Use our search engine to find the cheapest flights to Cuba from different cities around the world.
With our search engine you will find the best flight deals from different operators, travel agents and the most important airlines.
Flights to Cuba are usually quite cheap if they are made from America, those that depart from Europe tend to have a higher price, yet it is still affordable.
Cuba has several international airports from which you can find flights from different cities:
José Martí International Airport in Havana
Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport in Varadero
Jaime González International Airport in Cienfuegos
Antonio Maceo International Airport in Santiago de Cuba
Other international airports:
Jardines del Rey International Airport in Cayo Coco
Jaime Gonzalez International Airport in Cienfuegos
Frank País International Airport in Holguín
Vilo Acuña International Airport in Cayo Largo
Santa MAria International Airport in Santa Clara
Ignacio Agramonte International Airport in Camagüey
Important airports within Cuba that do not offer international flights include the Hermanos Ameijeiras airport in Las Tunas or the Rafael Cabrera Mustelier airport in Nueva Gerona stand out.
Una vez que aterrices en Cuba podrás disfrutar de diferentes conexiones con distintos horarios entre todos los aeropuertos dentro del país.
"Cuban Travel Agency" is part of the Visitar Cuba project, an organization of Cuban agencies whose objectives are:
If you are an agency or tour operator and you are looking for help to create trips to Cuba, trust our expert hands, we offer special prices.