The international prefix to call Cuba by phone is +53. To call from abroad you must first dial the international prefix (00), then the code of the country of Cuba (53) and followed by the phone number you want to call.
Once you arrive in Cuba you will not have any problem using your mobile phone, since today the vast majority of international telephone companies, both American and European, usually have Roaming agreements, however there are very high costs for receiving or making calls and SMS, so it is best to use a Cuban prepaid card.
In Cuba you can also make calls using public telephones, with them you can make direct local calls, which you can pay in CUP or through a phone card, which will be provided at any hotel, phone booth or communication center.
These are some of the telephones that can be very useful in an emergency:
Emergency: 106.
Police: 106.
Firefighters: 105.
"Cuban Travel Agency" is part of the Visitar Cuba project, an organization of Cuban agencies whose objectives are:
If you are an agency or tour operator and you are looking for help to create trips to Cuba, trust our expert hands, we offer special prices.