Internet access in Cuba improves day by day, but at times it continues to be an inconvenience for travelers, since unlike other countries, Cuba still does not have free Wi-Fi.
During your stay in Cuba you will be able to connect to the internet in most of the hotels, since they all have a Wi-Fi network, but outside the hotel internet access is much more limited, although you will be able to connect at any of the telepoints found in the main squares and public parks.
Both in public areas and in hotels, it is essential to purchase an ETECSA connection card with which you will be provided with a username and a temporary password. It is not mandatory to consume all the time in the same place.
There are 1, 5 and 10 hour cards. Prices vary from place to place.
It is worth mentioning that to be able to connect in some hotels, sometimes, only the cards that the same hotel sells will work, so it is best to ask at reception about your hotel in particular.
"Cuban Travel Agency" is part of the Visitar Cuba project, an organization of Cuban agencies whose objectives are:
If you are an agency or tour operator and you are looking for help to create trips to Cuba, trust our expert hands, we offer special prices.