The César Escalante Cigar Factory in Santiago de Cuba is one of the industries that show the public the traditional production of a symbol of Cuba, tobacco, considered the best in the world on this island.
The fame of Cuban cigars is worldwide and that is why it is of great interest to visit this factory where with a specialized guide you can discover the process of making this product through the area of picking, stripping, twisting and ringing. Although it is forbidden to take photographs, with the knowledge that you will acquire during the visit, you will be able to boast of having one of the most precious secrets on the planet and if you wish, you will be able to buy the coveted product once you finish the tour.
More information:
Avenida Jesús Menéndez, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Phone number:
(+53) 2262 2236
Interactive map:
"Cuban Travel Agency" is part of the Visitar Cuba project, an organization of Cuban agencies whose objectives are:
If you are an agency or tour operator and you are looking for help to create trips to Cuba, trust our expert hands, we offer special prices.